Museums as Spaces of Cultural Translation and Transfer

PhD Workshop

PhD researchers attending the conference will be able to participate for free, but will have to register separately.

A PhD workshop focused on methodology will take place parallel to the conference, from 9:00 to 11:30 AM on Wednesday May 11. Our three workshop speakers will each introduce a focus for the discussion, after which participants will be able to get involved in the conversation, and to share their own research and methodological process. It is the aim that this workshop is informal and interactive – and that it leads to fruitful discussions between the speakers and PhD researchers.

Silke Arnold-De Simine will focus on specific challenges in practice-based research, Robert Neather will focus on planning and incubating a research project proposal, and Luisa Rodríguez Muñoz will focus on intersemiotic and multimodal approaches in contemporary art museum translation.

Should you have any questions, please email

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